[RPG] Is this part of the description of the Archfey warlock’s Misty Escape feature redundant


From the Archfey warlock patron feature Misty Escape (PHB, p. 109).

When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell.

The part I think is redundant is the last part where it says "or until you attack or cast a spell". If I've used my reaction, I can't make an opportunity attack or cast hellish rebuke or a similar reaction spell, and by the time I can attack or cast a spell again, it's my turn again, so surely that's covered by the "until the start of your next turn" part?

Or am I overlooking something?

Best Answer

It is not redundant

There are many ways you could take damage on your turn, thus allowing you to use Misty Escape as a reaction on your turn in addition to (before) your Action and possible Bonus Action:

  • An enemy was holding an attack or damaging spellcast that is triggered before you attack or cast a spell on your turn.
  • Many ability/spell effects also specify that you take damage if you start your turn in their area effect.
  • You could move before taking an action to cast a spell or attack and provoke an attack of opportunity.

The last part of Misty Escape's description is there to cover such cases.