[RPG] Languages and Knowledges


We were running our Dungeon World campaign, and the time came to confront the goblins about their evil ways and interrogate them for what they knew. At this point, we hit a snag; how can we know if any of our intrepid heroes of yore speaks Goblin?

We couldn't find any kind of 'Languages' information, nor could we find any 'Knowledge' skills or anything that could seem relevant. In attempting to keep to the spirit of the game, we handwaved it; the Goblin adopted a superior air and condescended to speak "Common" for the 'uneducated Humies'.

Is there a section of the rules regarding what characters may know or speak?

Best Answer

The spout lore move acts like a general knowledge skill. It even says that the GM can ask, "How do you know this?", which is a great question that should definitely color the GM's response.

For interrogation, you want parley. The leverage is probably their lives or their freedom.