Pathfinder 1E Languages – How to Learn New Languages


Im building a character and have been going over the races and happened to have a thought while looking at languages. Races tend to have languages they know, and then learn from high int scores. Are characters restricted to this list (and include class list if needed) when learning new languages via linguistics skill and ranks?

For example Kitsune specifically calls out

Multilingual Although most kitsune speak only Common, some quickly learn other human languages in order to give themselves an edge when dealing with humanity. They speak Common, Sylvan, and the racial language of their human form’s ethnicity, and they can learn any language they want (except Druidic and other secret languages) if they have high Intelligence scores.

Best Answer

No, the bonus language list is used only for those languages learned due to high Int. Linguistics can be used to learn any language except those that are specifically secret (like Druidic).