[RPG] Looking for (even unofficial) duelist variants


As @KRyan told me, it seems like the duelist PrC is a little bit broken. But my party is currently lost in the middle of savages countries far from any civilization and it is very unlikely that I meet any PrC coach before a long time.

I am currently swashbuckler 5/Dragonmark heir 2/duelist 2/blade of orien 1, and I was planning to keep leveling as a duelist for some time. I think this build is not completely unbalanced compared to the builds of my teammates as they don't put out as much optimization effort as I do. I chose to train the class knowing its flaws, but I considered it was a realistic evolution for a swashbuckler.

Nevertheless, some duelist levels like the 4th: "+2 on reflex saving throws" are really boring, so I am beginning to research additional content about this PrC like official alternative levels or widely acknowledged homebrews.

EDIT: I am specifically looking for optimizations of the duelist class, which from my point of view essentially sums up to "a character with style (like the swashbuckler) using a rapier and no armor and adding INT to AC". What I am expecting is mostly alternative class levels, either as a few errata or a total redesign. I would rather it being some already well known content so that it would be easier to negotiate it with my DM.

(In case you were wondering, I did try negotiating taking only 3 levels of swashbuckler, but our DM insisted on us taking 5 level on our baseclass before multiclassing. Plus I liked the flamboyance of this type of character and did not want to change it to much. KRyan suggested me rebuilding as Factotum or Warblade but they are from books that are not allowed in my campaign.)

Best Answer

I wrote a dualist, a dual-wielding duelist (pun very much intended!). It works fairly well from a swashbuckler base (uses your free Weapon Finesse for entry, skills are easy and recommended anyway).

The dualist is different from the duelist, obviously, in that the dualist uses two weapons, rather than keeping one hand free. It also is not specifically Intelligence-based, but on the flip side you can (and should) use armor. All that said, it puts your Insightful Strike feature to good use (as a static damage bonus, that damage is multiplied on a critical hit, and the dualist is quite good at critical hits), and as I said, your Weapon Finesse bonus feat eases entry quite nicely.

The dualist is all about attacks of opportunity, using them as a kind of round-by-round resource for its special abilities. The dualist parries, and at higher levels, counter-attacks, using (typically) a pair of rapiers. The dualist is also fairly “sticky,” making it excellent at defending its allies.

I’ve personally played the dualist a few times, and it was quite fun. Furthermore, I know several other people who have played it, and I’ve received great feedback. It’s one of my best-received classes, and I think it’s likely an excellent fit for you.