[RPG] Magic item creation, mage armor x times per day


Ok so I realize a +4 continuous armor enhancement like mage armor would cost 16k based on similar items. My question is this, what if the item created was a use per day item instead of continuous? For instance instead of a continuous effect the item in question could be activated x times per day for x number of hours. Looking at the dmg it seems this is doable but I am unclear as to how to price such an item. My assumption would be using the command word pricing spell level x caster level x 1800gp then divide by 5 for 5 charges per day. Is this reasonable or am I just cheating the system here?

Best Answer

We have several notable figures here:

  • \$l_s\$, the level of the spell. Note that 0-level spells have \$l_s =\ \$½.

  • \$l_c\$, the caster level of the spell; for a 1st-level spell this can be set to any value between 1 and the craft’s own caster level.

  • 1,800 gp, the factor for command-word items.

  • \$u_d\$, the number of times you can use it each day.

The formula these go into is

$$ l_s \times l_c \times 1\,800\text{ gp} \div \left(\frac{5}{u_d}\right) $$

This formula is from Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values, specifically the Spell Effect and Special sections. Under Spell Effect we see command word defined as \$l_s \times l_c \times 1\,800\text{ gp}\$, and then under Special for charges per day we see “Divide by (5 divided by charges per day)” which is the same as “\$\div \left(\frac{5}{u_d}\right)\$.”

From here, we can manipulate the formula algebraically. Division by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal (the same numbers “upside down”), so we can see this as this:

$$ l_s \times l_c \times 1\,800\text{ gp} \times \left(\frac{u_d}{5}\right) $$

Which simplifies to this:

$$ l_s \times l_c \times u_d \times 360\text{ gp} $$

Thus, for example, if you wanted to be able to use caster level 2nd mage armor (a 1st-level spell) 4 times per day (that is, \$l_s = 1\$, \$l_c = 2\$, and \$u_d = 4\$), we end up with

\begin{align} l_s \times l_c \times u_d \times 360\text{ gp} &= \\ 1 \times 2 \times 4 \times 360\text{ gp} &= \\ 2\,880\text{ gp} & \\ \end{align}

Because it has caster level 2nd, it lasts 2 hours each time it is used.


It is very important to note that the item-creation guidelines are only guidelines, and the first guideline is always “compare to items with similar effects.” The bracers of armor +4 offer the same bonus continuously, but cost 16,000 gp rather than a mere 2,880 gp. Since 2 hours at a time is a good, long duration, and 4 uses per day is more than enough, 2,880 gp is too cheap for this item, no matter what the guidelines say. All custom items must be approved by the DM, and the DM is strongly encouraged to significantly increase the cost of this item.