[RPG] Movement Practices in L5R 4e


In the movement section of the 4th edition core it states how a Free or Simple action can be used for movement. Now my big question is, since they separate the concept of a complex action to move as a "special case scenario", but list the maximum movement default as Water x 20', so should a character be allowed to use two simple move actions in a single turn as a difference between walking and running? Or do they only get one simple action because you can't just move as a complex action for Water x 20' on its own?

Currently I am running it as only being able to do one of the move actions (IE so that the free and simple moves can't be stacked), which leaves it with Water x 10' max movement unless special stuff comes into play. However, since I predict a chase scene in the next game the ability to double land speed will be vital.

Best Answer

So, I looked this up and here's what I've found. In a normal round you can take either one complex action (Attacks before unlocking the simple action attack option), two simple actions (drawing weapons, moving Water x 10 feet, etc.), and a reasonable number of free actions that I believe cannot be doubled.

Anyway, as for your question, it's perfectly reasonable to take two simple actions to 'double move' for a total of Water x 20 feet, which is the normal maximum movement. I would assume that complex move actions are for things like, I don't know, safely ducking under, leaping over, stepping between a spear gauntlet set up by a rival lord on the way to an objective (the L5R equivalent of a laser hallway). I don't see this coming up a lot though, so it's probably under the GM handwave territory.