[RPG] My DM has removed heavy armour from the game. How to make a Paladin work or convince him not to do this


I am starting a new game with a good friend as DM. In my play group, I am almost always the DM, but this time one of my players has decided to run his own game with me and two new players. In order to fit his "gothic" theme, he has removed heavy armour from the game entirely, saying that it is "too bulky" and would just get in the way. He used Fromsoft's Bloodborne as an example. I've been looking forward to playing a tanky class for a while since I am infrequently a pc, so no access to heavy armour all but prevents me from playing a fighter or paladin or even cleric to a degree.

I understand the solution is to just replace DEX with STR, but the other two players are playing Rogue and Ranger respectively. I don't want to be a near carbon copy of what they are, but I feel I must if I want to ever have more than 14 AC from my armour (half-plate and breastplate are also banned).

The DM has stressed that combat will be deadly, visceral, and frequent, so rolling with an unoptomized build will probably be a poor idea. I could make some janky wizard-tank abomination, but not only do I not want to do that, my DM has been strongly encouraging me to play paladin so I can frontline and protect the other, newer players.

How can I approach this situation, either by making a character who could work under these conditions or by talking to my DM without seeming like I'm whining because the other players are stronger than me?

Best Answer

Since he's suggesting you play a Paladin and removed Heavy Armor and claim combat will be deadly, just start a conversation with him and how he imagines your character surviving without the Heavy Armor. Consider building a Paladin and then looking at the difference in his AC between what you'd normally pick and what the best available Medium Armor will do and just flat out ask him:

Do you think I'll survive your game with X less points of AC, given that you said it will be visceral and deadly? Otherwise we need to come up with a solution or I'll need to play something other than a Paladin.

That should start the conversation that will find you a solution, which can be as simple as "just set your AC to heavy armor level and we'll not talk about it" to "oh, maybe we should bring back heavy armor" to "hmm, maybe a Paladin isn't a good fit for this theme then".

Your DM, especially if new, probably doesn't really see the full ramifications of their choices yet. They're just picturing a cool videogame and expect that if they cut away D&D's game mechanics that everything will work like the game they know. You're the one with enough experience to know that's not how it works, but you'll have to have an honest discussion with them to help them see that.

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