[RPG] My sister wants to play every other week at our weekly table. How to fix the issues that come with this


My sister and I both play at the local game shop once a week. It costs five bucks for anyone to get in.

Recently, my sister has started attending a church program every Wednesday and wants to play D&D every other week rather than weekly. Both the DM and I have said it’s unhealthy for the table as we already have few players, and one physically can’t show up consistently as he’s military. When I told my mom this, she lashed out saying it was hypocritical and unfair to say my sister should pick either Church or D&D. She can play D&D Friday too, just at a different table, but my mom insists that we’re being unfair, and I need to stick up for her even though her choosing not to show up every other week affects the whole table.

People pay to be there, and if we don’t meet the quota for players, we can’t have a “full session” and it has to be a one-shot/side episode. If we don’t have even 3 players, we just go to different tables. It feels unfair to not just myself but everyone at the table. It wouldn’t be a problem if not for the fact that everyone pays each week to play, and it’s not like we can just start doing sessions every two weeks since it’s organized by the store. Unless we wanna just do two different campaigns or something, but everyone else is really committed to our current system.

I don’t want to give her an ultimatum of church vs D&D, but her coming to play every other week at this table just brings a lot of problems. How do I work these out?

Best Answer

It's perfectly fair to not want part-time players

I run games periodically, and I would never accept someone in my game who could only show up half the time.

I've occasionally had players who developed scheduling conflicts and had to miss multiple sessions in a row. Generally I grit my teeth and put up with it, and if they still have scheduling conflicts when the adventure ends, I don't invite them to the next adventure.

In this case, banning your sister seems counterproductive

If you tell your sister she can't play with you, then your game will have even fewer players and your attendance problem will be even worse. It doesn't seem like this will help you.

It sounds like you're attempting to tell her she's required to play with you (meaning she has to skip her church thing) but in my experience this doesn't usually work -- it just causes the player to drop out entirely.

See if you can fix your problem some other way

Why are you playing in a game store at all? The usual reason to play in a game store is to recruit new players, but it sounds like that's not working for you. Can you play at someone's house instead? Or in a mall, or something?

Can you play on a different day, one when your sister doesn't have a conflict?

Your DM says she won't run a game if half the players are missing. But maybe she should amend that to "...if half the full-time players are missing", since it sounds like two of your play group don't really count.