There are a number of alternatives you have, let's talk about scaling down the encounters first:
Budgeted XP and encounters
A good way to adjust the difficulty of an encounter is to look at the budgeted XP for an encounter as intended by the published module and adjust it to your party-size. The guidelines for this is in page 82 of the DMG, or in page 165 of WoTC's DND Basic Rules. This involves calculating for each creature's XP multiplied by the Encounter Multiplier factor appropriate for the number of creatures that the party faces, this can be found in the same page of the DMG.
Page 83 of the DMG also takes into account the size of the adventuring party, saying to increase or decrease the multiplier by .5 according to the party's size. In your case, I’d increase the Encounter Multiplier by .5 because you only have 3 players and published adventures are assumed to be played with 4.
For example, if the published encounter comprises of 4 CR 1 creatures with a total of 800 XP value. Looking at the encounter multiplier table, 4 creatures yields a multiplier of 2x so you have an intended budgeted XP of 1600. Looking up the XP Thresholds by Character Level table, we see that the encounter is intended to be a Medium-difficulty encounter for 4 5th-level characters.
But since your party size is small, increase your encounter multiplier to 2.5x. So if you do not change the encounter, you'd have a budgeted XP of 2000, which is just over Medium-difficulty for a group of 3.
So, how do we tweak the encounter to be a Medium-difficulty for 3 parties? We know that for 3 5th-level characters, a medium difficulty encounter is budgeted at 1500 XP so we can simply take out 1 creature to reduce the budget to scale, since changing the number of creatures from 4 to 3 reduces the multiplier, we have a result of a budgeted XP for your small party of 1500 XP, perfectly adjusted.
That’s all well and good but what if the encounter is against only ONE really strong creature?
Modifying and Creating Monsters
Another way to balance the encounters is to create your own using the guidelines in page 273 of the DMG on Creating/Modifying a Monster (unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a counterpart for these rules in the DM Basic Rules). This involves taking the essentials of a creature and whittling down its other stats so that it is adjusted to match the desired Challenge Rating. It’s all detailed in the DMG so I won’t put that in here.
Once you have your creature’s CR, look up its XP value and adjust it for the encounter’s difficulty, as mentioned above. This is your budgeted XP for the encounter.
Say, a CR 7 creature worth 2900XP (with a multiplier of 1x for 4 characters), would be close to a Hard encounter but way past Deadly for a group of 3. To make it only Hard, the budgeted XP should be 2250 XP which means the creature should be around CR 6 (5 if your player’s characters are low-tier). This is where the guidelines on Creating a Monster come in, you should modify the creature’s existing stats to knock it down a couple of CRs. This method is fine but tiresome unless you can find a resource tool somewhere on the net.
Alternatively, instead of scaling down the monsters, you might want to try scaling up the players by
1) Giving your players Hero Points
Hero Points are an optional rule found in Page 264 of the DMG, it works similarly to Bardic Inspiration and increases the chance of player success with a straight addition to any roll they make. This is a great way to boost your players up and making them feel strong and important. However, the players might feel like they’re being spoon-fed and might not like that so it would be best to talk to them about adding this option first, especially if there is a Bard in the party.
2) Give them Magic Items
Magic Items don't fit into encounter difficulty calculations unlike levels and Challenge Rating, but the more +1 weapons the small party has, the easier the encounters become. There are no guidelines on how much this affects difficulty, but personally, after running several high-magic campaigns for a normal-sized 6th-level party that has easily two combat magic items each, you can expect to increase their difficulty by a step (i.e. Medium encounters are Easy, Hard is Medium, Deadly is Hard).
Warning, though, you might want to avoid giving them +x Armor, as this can break the game with the PC's super high AC. Consider, instead, Adamantine Armor (or a similar magic item for light armor or unarmored PCs) which negates crits from hitting them, negating random deaths-by-chance. By the way, if you are designing a solo session, this is one of the best items to give them.
3) Add an NPC adventurer
You could simply add another adventurer of the same level of the party that you control. This is an added burden on the DM and it affects player agency a little but if you keep the NPC’s influence to a minimum, the players MAY allow this to happen. The extra muscle will certainly help but, like the Hero Points option, talk to your players about it first.
4) Allow the characters to take up apprentices/followers
Another way, related to the above method, is to allow your players to take up a 1st-level character to the party that they control as an apprentice or follower. This allows for a certain degree of help during combat and gives the players a fall-back character in case the higher-level one dies. Plus, seeing a player talk to (and even argue with) himself is golden (why should GMs be the only one to have to do this)!
Is playing through The Mines Of Phandelver (hope I got that right) and looking things up in the rules while doing so an option?
The Lost Mines of Phandelver starts out relatively simple, specifically for beginners, so don't worry.
My group had several new players. Here's what we did, and it worked well.
Prior to the First Session
- A couple players read the rules pretty thoroughly (...for fun).
- Everyone comfortable with making their own characters did so; everyone else chose prebuilt characters from the starter set box.
- The DM read the first bits of the starter set adventure to get a feel for how to run the game and the first few encounters.
- I wrote up a brief introductory email with an overview of the rules (I'm not sure everyone actually read it, which is fine).
- I also printed up a few copies of a cheat sheet we made up, which we used for the first couple sessions.
During Sessions
When rule questions came up, the DM made snap decisions that seemed fair and interesting. We looked up the actual rules later. This didn't break up the flow of the game and worked just fine.
It doesn't matter if you don't get all the rules right, so long as everyone is having fun and things don't grind to a halt.
Best Answer
If you want something that fits in directly with the time period of the Forgotten Realms as depicted in Phandelver then the new Princes of the Apocalypse adventure starts out just to the east of Phandelver.
I have the book and the initial adventures are in the Dessarin Valley. The north end begins at the eastern terminus of the Triboar trail as you can see in this map.
Wyvern Tor is in the Northwest corner.
The premiere website for all things Forgotten Realms is Candlekeep
You could get a copy of the original information on the Sword Coast from D&D Classics. I recommend Waterdeep and the North. I have a copy myself and it has a lot of information about the Sword Coast area. However it is for an earlier time period than what in Phandelver.
D&D Classics has Forgotten Realms material spanning all eras.
The most recent material they have on Neverwinter, is the Lost Crown of Neverwinter for 4e. I played and referee as part of a game store campaign and it quite good and has a lot of roleplaying opportunities with different factions. Although it is a bit episodic as it oriented to a weekly D&D Encounters session.
What is a really good Neverwinter resource is Jaquay's the Savage Frontier from the original Forgotten Realms run. Again it is set in a earlier time period.
You may want to look at this Candlekeep forum thread for Neverwinter resources.