[RPG] nspire Courage be used to inspire a whole arthe


The Inspire Courage bard ability reads, in part:

Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st-level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard's performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls[…] Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.

If you have a bard with Inspire Courage ability atop a castle in an area of perfect acoustics (and/or lighting [think illusions or shadowplay]), could the bard Inspire Courage within an entire army that could see and/or hear him?

Best Answer

RAW, yes Inspire Courage is not given a range and therefore would be able to affect all friendly targets that could perceive the Performance.

Perception DC 5 (battle is Terrible Conditions) +1/10ft to hear/see the performance.

The rules don't account for a Bard to be able to project the bonuses through magic, but it follows that increasing their volume could extend the range. Anything else would have to be discussed with the GM. If you're going to argue that seeing an image of an inspirational dance can inspire you, consider if you've ever watched a concert video and not been excited like you would be at a live show.

Postscript, it is not unusual to homerule Inspire courage to have a 30ft range based on nearly every other Bardic Performance, including ones with similar affects.