[RPG] Paranoia playable with just two Troubleshooters


Are two troubleshooters (+ me as GM) really enough for Paranoia? I believe the rules do not forbid this, but would you recommend this? Have you experienced playing Paranoia in a rather small group? Was it fun?

Having never played Paranoia, I am somewhat worried that the "I want to kill the other PC, he is treasonous!" idea is not working well with just two PCs. But maybe I am wrong? Maybe Paranoia is still lots of fun even without a massive "PC killing PC"?

So I am both looking for tips for a small (and new …) group as well as for stories of small Paranoia evenings.Yes, I read How do I run Paranoia for just one player? and although it gives some ideas, I believe this question is still worth posting. I also read What is some good advice for starting Paranoia with a new group?, so instead of general tips for a new group I would prefer specific tips for a small group.

Best Answer

The game of Paranoia—no matter how many players—is an excuse for them to pretend to do something other than murder each other.

In my experience, with two players they just end up murdering each other, which might be fun for them for the first hour but is not very interesting for me as a GM. You need a gimmick to make murdering each other difficult or at least require effort. For example, you could throw in an NPC—something or someone they have to guard or that can watch and report on them, etc.—so they have to at least be subtle. In the past I've used a bot that they had to deliver, escort mission-style, but you could also use a higher Clearance citizen.

With more than two players, the other players are what make it difficult (or easy, if you can convince them to help or look the other way). I don't run Paranoia if I can't get at least three players.

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