[RPG] Pathfinder RPG in Forgotten Realms 3.5 setting


Is it possible to prepare and run a Pathfinder game in the Forgotten Realms settings? Has anyone tried this?

I've found "Finding your Path in the Forgotten Realms Project" but I can't validate how useful it is.

Best Answer

The group I game with most of the time runs a Forgotten Realms campaign setting. We have played it in 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and now use Pathfinder. There is very little change that we have to make. For 90-95% of it we just use the Pathfinder rules as is. We simply remade our characters for each edition as needed and custom FR specific monsters are converted to Pathfinder stats as needed. Deities and such are generally reused from the 3e/3.5e FR manuals and anything that may conflict we simply address on an as needed basis. But frankly, very little has needed to be resolved.

We are currently running the City of the Spider Queen module, which actually is a tiny bit easier in Pathfinder given the differences in rules for Haste and a couple other spells that the module relies heavily upon. Of course, our DM is making up for it in other ways.

Overall, though, it's been a fairly seamless transition for us to Pathfinder rules based in a Forgotten Realms world.