[RPG] Pre-built square-grid maps


I will be running a 4e adventure tomorrow night. The adventure will take place in Fallcrest. One of the main sites will be a Raven Queen temple in the city. I need to put together a map of the location, but I would love to simply use one that someone has already created. Are there any sites that have good canned maps for a temple or other locations? For example, I may also need a tavern as well.

While I'm running 4e, maps for any fantasy setting or system should be fine as long as they have a square grid (as opposed to a hex grid or no grid).

Best Answer

Wizards.com itself has a massive collection.

Finding exactly what you need can be tedious, but for sheer volume it's hard to beat the wizards.com galleries and archives.

The Art & Map Gallery and the Map-A-Week Archive are both free, and give access to most of the maps published in D&D 3.5 physical volumes and adventures (though not the content that goes with them) as well as some bonus maps. If you have a D&D Insider subscription you can also access the Article Archive, which has all the maps from the 4e Dungeon and Dragon Magazines.