[RPG] “Punishing” characters for stupid actions


I'm currently running a 6 person World of Darkness campaign, which is heavily social based. 5 of the players I am happy with, but one of them keeps doing stupid things, such as pushing himself to the point of unconsciousness (via a curse the party are under) to prove a point, and then falling unconscious in the bad part of town with a very glitzy sword on his hip. I didn't take the sword from him because at the time it felt as if I would only be doing it to 'get back at him' so to speak.

Since then, another player has raised the point that had any of the other characters been in that situation, I probably would have had their sword stolen, and expected them to either accept that it was their own fault, or try and get it back somehow. But because I felt it would be picking on him, I let him get away with more than everyone else.


UPDATE: After reading the advice here, I decided to let the natural consequences of his actions take place, and see what happens. This resulted in him attacking and killing a fairly important NPC who they were attempting to get information from. When the rest of the party found out, they were frustrated at him for his actions (IC and slightly OOC as well). His defence was that he "didn't have a choice", and to try and pass the 'blame' to me, going as far as to be slightly annoyed with me after the game for "forcing him into that situation". The events played out that he entered an elevator with the NPC, pulled a sword on him, and attacked, expecting the NPC to immediately beg for mercy. Instead, the NPC fought back, but was disarmed and then killed.

I still am unsure what to do about this player, as he seems to want to do things which are a little stupid, with no consequences.

Best Answer

Surely you mean punishing the character not the player?

The character should have a whole lot of horrible things happen to them. Wake up in a gimp suit? Be kept as "blood on tape"? Raped(1)? At least wake up naked covered in marker pen with inappropriate (and bad) drawing on his face. Certainly, the character should have been robbed of all they had on them.

Maybe that's what the player wants to happen. Are they going for a slow but sure decent into despair? Trying to gain whatever little control they have since the curse is playing havoc with their free will? ...

Alternatively, do have a talk with the player asking them about it. Depending on their reactions, you can either kick them out of the game, let it slide as a "whoops, wasn't I lucky", or commence with the poor character's descent into hell.

(1) Rape is a horrible, violent, and vile thing. It should be reported to the Police if after the fact. Each and every one of us should step in to stop and prevent it, if we ever have the misfortune of being around the event. Most rapist are well known to the victim, this is why "No Means No" is an important message. I hope this state my position on the issue clears: it is a wrong, despicable, vile, and horrible act. However, I have dealt with rape, racisms, mass murder, sociopathy, psychopathy, insanity, torture, paedophilia, xenocide, genocide, and many other horrible things in more than one game. Note that if any of my players objected to a theme, it was dropped without much ado. There is always a full disclosure of themes before I run a game. Some of my players were affected by the above themes and agreed to have them run within my game.