[RPG] ‘railroading’, and what are its pros and cons


What does the term 'railroading' mean? When some people use the term it seems to be considered to be something negative. Is it purely negative or does it have pros and cons, and if so, what are they?

Best Answer

Railroading is forcing the characters into the prewritten story that the master created. It's generally frowned upon, because it disrupts the free-will oriented nature of roleplaying. In some cases however, some railroading is required.

A typical example is the following. Suppose the characters enter a city, and find a riot or similar event. The most sensible choice would be to get the hell out of there immediately. If the players choose this strategy, and the master needs their participation in the riot for the plot to develop, characters will find the city door closed, or a mob in front of it which prevents them to leave.

A different type of railroading is hidden and more subtle, and players don't realize it's railroading. Suppose there is a final match with the main villain. The Master decided that, when defeated, he will not immediately die, but instead he will first deliver an essential final piece of information to the characters. Suppose this happens and, while he starts chanting off his final piece of evil speech, one of the players have his character cast "disintegrate" on the villain. According to the rules, the villain will become dust. This would ruin the epilogue of the game to everyone. A sensible Master will work around this event somehow, such as granting the villain a ring of counterspell with a disintegrate, even if it wasn't supposed to have it. Only the Master know the villain full equipment in details, and he can use this point to his advantage.

Similar techniques to the one above have the Master throw a critical die behind the screen, disregard the result and do a plot-decided outcome anyway. This gives the illusion that the outcome is random, while instead it was decided by the master since the very beginning.