[RPG] Ride By Attack and Pounce on a mount


Pounce would allow me to make a full attack on the end of a charge. This bonus also applies on a mounted charge. However, what happens if I combine a mounted charge with a ride-by attack? Can I still make a full attack against my target, or not, since the square he occupies is not (strictly speaking) the end of my charge.

Best Answer

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, yes, you can.

Ride-By Attack itself details how it should be handled. It's mechanic is separated into two steps: normal charge and additional movement.
"Normal charge" part works, well, like normal charge. So, if you are allowed to execute full attack at the end of normal Charge action, you can execute it at the end of the first part and then go to the second one.

As I mentioned above pounce on iteratives sounds awkward for me. Still, awkward or not, rules do allow that, so untill your DM bans it, the combination you want may be executed.

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