[RPG] schema for interpreting xml files from the D&D4 Monster builder


I wanted to build an app to read .monster files exported from the D&D 4E builder, joining the data in some fashion, and rendering them for print. I've heard one complaint about the system is that you can only print one monster stat per page. Apart from this, it looks like a good project.

I was wondering where is the XML schema to interpret the files, though, if there's one, or if I have to interpret the content myself. Is this as bad as the situation in this question about hacking dnd4e files?

EDIT Frabjous day! power2ool now can adjust monster powers! And it's free!

Best Answer

Given the lack of support from WotC, your best bet for self-interpretation is to write the app in a language that makes working with XML trees as easy as possible so you can rapidly detect weird things and outrun the changes that are made. Python or Scala would probably be good choices--Python has better XML support, but Scala is better for building robust and flexible programs. If you're familiar with either of these already, I'd say just grab PythonXML (for Python) and go! If you're not, the learning process will probably make it not worthwhile unless you have other reasons to learn one of these.