[RPG] Techniques for hiding dice rolls when an NPC/enethe has advantage/disadvantage


It's common to hide die rolls as a DM and there are some advantages to it.

The problem is that they can still hear two dice or see when you're rolling twice. Although it's rarely useful to do so, you can't hide advantage and disadvantage.

What techniques are there for rolling twice for advantage without hinting at the fact that the NPC has advantage or some other funny business?

Best Answer

Use a d20 with a d20 inside.

enter image description here

I’ve used one like this before, it takes a little getting used to, but they aren’t hard to read.

Just always roll two dice.

Have two different colored d20s, and always roll both of them, but designate one as the main die, and the other as the adv/dis die. This takes more mental work than the d20 inside d20, as you have to remember to roll both every time.