[RPG] the meaning of “/×3” in traps’ damage


In the GM book in the Pathfinder Beginner Box there are traps definitions, and some of them (for example the arrow trap) have a damage expressed like 1d8+1/×3. What's the meaning of “/×3” part?

My guess is that it does the damage 3 times possibly to multiple targets, but I'm not sure.

Best Answer

On a confirmed critical hit the arrow trap deals ×3 damage

The arrow trap makes an attack roll against one target by rolling 1d20 and adding to the die roll the arrow trap's attack bonus. Usually, the total is compared to the target's Armor Class (AC), and if the result's equal to higher than the target's AC, the target's dealt 1d8+1 points of damage.

Critical Hit!

However, on a natural 20, the attack roll is made a second time, and if that second result's equal to higher than the target's AC, the target's dealt 3d8+3 points of damage. If that second result is a miss, the target's dealt 1d8+1 points of damage instead. (Also see page 5 of the Game Master's Guide.)

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