[RPG] the most accessible edition of Traveller


I'd love to play Traveller. Which edition best combines understandability, availability, and flavor?

In other words, I'm looking for an edition that is easy to grasp and available for purchase, that still captures the essential flavor of Traveller.

I've played several dozen different RPG systems, so the system needn't be dirt simple.


Best Answer

Mongoose Traveller is surprisingly good. It's by Gareth Hanrahan, who has freelanced on many projects (The Laundry RPG, for example). Thus, it's well-written and clear. Gareth is good at flavour text, so it's atmospheric, too.

It sticks close to previous editions, while fixing some niggles: for example, it doesn't let characters die during character creation.

Thus, it's not revolutionary, but it's clear and builds on the strengths of earlier versions. For what you want, it's a good option.

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