[RPG] the relative return point (i.e. the “space it left”) of a creature banished by the Banishment spell


When the banishment spell ends on a creature, it "reappears in the space it left".

How do the rules handle the reference point to this space?

I'm well aware I can just choose how to resolve this as DM. I'm just looking for what the rules say.

For example, if the creature is banished from atop a galloping horse, after a minute the horse will have travelled a long way. Is the return point on top of the horse? Or is it where the horse was when the banishment spell was originally cast?

Same thing with being banished from a moving ship. Does the creature return on the ship's surface? Or above the water where the ship was when the spell was cast?

Best Answer

It is almost completely unclear

No reference point is given for spaces. The rules are written assuming spaces are stationary and objective, real, immutable locations pretty much all the time. When they don't do this, it is most commonly because they briefly remembered that 'playing on a grid' is technically an optional rule, not because they took into account mobile terrain.

That said, the horse-riding situation is simpler. Horses (and other mounts) aren't terrain the way a ship is; your horse isn't your space. If you are banished off a horse and it moves, you will come back to the space you were in when you left, not back to where your horse is. The GM, however, will have to rule that this dismounts you; there's nothing in the rules themselves that addresses that-- forced movement while on a mount is not discussed (the rules expect you not to be mounted only very slightly less than they expect you not to be on a boat).