[RPG] The Relentless monster trait can prevent a certain amount of damage from downing the creature; is the amount arbitrary


I'm reading a couple of entries in the Monster Manual of creatures with the Relentless ability; these include the Boar, Wereboar, and Giant Boar.

The ability reads along the lines of:

Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the [creature] takes [number] damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.

To me, there doesn't seem to be an explanation for the amount of damage to avoid triggering the effect. This creates a problem when I want to give this ability to a custom creature.

Are there guidelines I'm missing? If there are not, how do I know what number to use there?

The creature(s) I'm homebrewing are Swine NPCs (SwinePCs) that possess this ability, and their final CR ranges from 1/4 to 5. I know I can just use the numbers from the Boar and Giant Boar for the same CR levels, but I'm stuck with the CR 5 creature.

Best Answer

While not exact, the data between the HP and the CR is linear enough to get an idea how Relentless would work on creatures of different CR.

Plugging the HP and CR values into anything that will give a linear fit like Wolfram gives a good estimation for other possible creatures: Wolfram gives the equation of \$6.43787 + 1.86982 \cdot CR\$.

Which when plugged give the following:

\begin{array}{llll} \text{Creature} & \text{CR} & \text{HP for Relentless} & \text{Estimate based on equation}\\ \hline \text{Boar} & 1/4 & 7 & 6.846155\\ \text{Giant Boar} & 2 & 10 & 10.11834\\ \text{Wereboar} & 4 & 14 & 13.85798\\ \end{array}

Plugging in for a CR 5 gives a value of 15.7278 which either 15 or 16 would seem appropriate for a CR 5 creature with Relentless.