[RPG] Traps specifically for Smart characters


Does anyone have examples or suggestions on creating traps that are harder for Smart (High INT/WIS) characters?

Example: My NPC necromancer has set up his lair. In his arrogance he believes that the monsters and undead will handle the fighter types. He is paranoid against other magic users (and other PCs with high INT/WIS) so he creates a trap specifically to draw them in. Without realizing it, his trap's primary weakness is that Dumb characters (Low INT/WIS, like Barbarians, etc) will walk past it completely unaffected.

So what would the mechanics be for this kind of trap? What kinds of saving throws would I use to model this (in both 3+e and 4e)?

Best Answer

Many of the rune/glyph type spells, being writing-based, exist for this exact reason. Can you read the manuscript or ancient lettering? Do you care to? Explosive runes and Sepia snake sigil are the classic ones here, but you could easily mod a glyph of warding or symbol to say "when read," etc. to go off. Your average barbarian isn't going to bother to read it let alone be able to. The Pathfinder trap guidelines have examples of those and can help you set CRs for your own traps.

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