[RPG] use for the skills Biotechnology and Cybertechnology


As far as I know it there are no crafting rules besides the table on p. 146 and the repairing section in Run and Gun p.143. So I wonder how you can use Bio- and Cybertechnology. Does the GM just make up thresholds? It would be very nice to have some examples similar to the repair section in Run and Gun because otherwise I don't see much use for the skill. There is the use of them as knowledge skills but then you could just take them as knowledge skills so I assume there would be some active use.

Did I miss something or is it really just left up to the GM?

Best Answer

You didn't miss anything.

There are no guidelines beyond the 'task difficulty table' on p48, which is about as helpful as nothing at all. The general assumption appears to be that you will only use Cybertechnology or Biotechnology to repair damaged cyberware and maybe bioware? 'Repairing' is the only example given, both in terms of matrix damage and non-matrix damage (a broken car). There are currently no rules or guidelines for upgrading, modifying, or building cyberware or machinery, much less bioware. Biotechnology might as well just be a Knowledge skill as far as game mechanics are concerned. At most an ad-hoc check to manipulate machines in a bioware lab or some such.

There are no explicit rules whatsoever, and no rules you could use to determine the general sphere or extent of those skills' use or reach. Anything you do with them is purely homebrew.

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