[RPG] use multiple hands for one attack, using this 6-Handed-Ones homebrew race


I am playing D&D 5e, with some homebrew elements.

I happen to have started a character with the 6-Handed Ones homebrew race by monrester. This race has the Multihands feature:

You have 6 hands. You can only attack once unless you you have Multiattack. You can hold more than one weapon, but can only use 1 per turn. Say you were holding a greatsword and a longbow. On one turn, you could attack with the greatsword, then the next turn attack with the longbow. You can only benefit 1 shield using this ability.

I want to play a monk. I was curious as to whether the following is allowed.

Can I use 3 fists in one punch? Or is that considered a multiattack and not allowed?

To be more specific, my character has 6 arms. I'm trying to use 3 of them in one attack – not multiple attacks, but one single strike. Does this work?

If it does work as I've described, would the damage look like (1d6)×3? Or can I only strike with one fist per turn, i.e. 1d6 flat damage?

Best Answer

Your unarmed strikes do not gain mechanical benefit from extra hands

Fluff-wise, there is no constraint regarding what your unarmed attacks actually represent. It could be punches, chops, kicks, headbutts, things like that. However, a single unarmed attack deals the same damage as usual, and in order to do multiple attacks, you need features like the Monk's Martial Arts or Flurry of Blows, or normal extra attacks, to get more attacks per turn. If we were meant to assume the homebrew race is supposed to grant extra attacks or augment the damage of unarmed strikes, the description of the homebrew race's feature should say so.1

Note that extra free hands do not grant extra attacks or unarmed strike damage to anyone else, either. A character with two free hands deals the same damage as an otherwise identical character who has no free hands and opts to kick their enemies instead.

1 A little footnote pertaining to the racial feature's wording: a literal reading of the racial feature makes the race LESS capable of multiple attacks per turn than other characters. The phrasing "you can only use 1 [weapon] per turn" disallows Two-Weapon Fighting (or spreading extra attacks between different weapons), the first clause disallows multiple attacks from Martial Arts, Flurry of Blows, and any other source that isn't "Multiattack" (presumably meaning the "Extra Attack" class feature), and a very pedantic reader would also find issue with "You can only attack once" (as opposed to "...once per turn" or a similar wording).