DND 5E Character Sheets – What are Hero Points?


I've just downloaded an Excel character sheet, and it has a slot for Hero Points. I have many of the official 5e books (the Player's Handbook, MM, DMG, SCAG, VGtM, MToF, and XGtE), and I'm fairly sure it isn't in any of them.

Is it homebrew, or from a different realm? Is it just a different name for something I know about, or am I just being thick?

Best Answer

Hero Points are found on page 264 of the DMG.

With this option, a character starts with 5 hero point at 1st level. [...] A player can spend a hero point whenever he or she makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw. The player can spend the hero point after the roll is made but before any of its results are applied. Spending the hero point allows the player to roll a d6 and add it to the d20, possibly turning a failure into a success. A player can spend only 1 hero point per roll.