[RPG] What are the dinosaur equivalents


I need to pull together a list of dinosaur equivalents for D&D by name, what dinosaur they are equivalent to, and ideally book.

I know the various monster manuals and other books have a bunch of dinosaur equivalents. I don't have all the books but I do have D&D insider which has a major weakness of no pictures. I have this big need for a plateau filled with dinosaurs (my daughter has been making tokens with dinosaurs stamped on them).

Best Answer

Behemoths are the D&D4 dinosauroids. I'm not sure they have obvious equivalents in all cases.

  • Bone-Crown - Pachycephalosaurus? - mm3
  • Skinwing - One of the pteradactyl types - mm3
  • Bloodspike - Stegosaurus? -mm1
  • Macetail - Anklosaurus! -mm1
  • Tri-Horn - Triceratops -Adventurer's Vault
  • Spirehorn - Like a.. really big Triceratops? -mm3

I'd also add in Fastieth (it's an Ebberon monster, but it's a nice little velociraptor guy)

Other ideas include a reskinned Destrachan, certain drakes, and maybe even reskin stirge's as pleistocene mosquitos. ;)

Also see this thread. The Fang Titan Drake (mm2) is highly recommended as a stand-in for a T-Rex.