[RPG] What are the highest level solo monsters in all official supplements released for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons


Which is the highest level solo monster in all current supplements released for DnD 4.0? I think that it is Bahamut, but there are too many books which I'm not aware of (and also I have read somewhere that Bahamut is level 36, I don't own the concrete book).

Also which monster is the hardest to beat by average balanced team (nor anti-Orcus, or anti-Tiamat team configuration)?

Best Answer

The two level 36 creatures are:

There are no higher level creatures, and arguably those two creatures are just alternate forms of Bahamut.

Lolth (MM3), level 35 from MM3 looks to be very nasty. Lots of domination spam, coupled with non-trivial amounts of ongoing and published in the latest MM make for a fun, but nasty creature. As a runner up, I'd also be quite scared of Bel Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame (Ebberon Campaign Setting) as many of his attacks do healing surge damage and he acts on three initiative counts. His effect-shedding is not quite as good as Lolths (though it triggers three times as often) and his attacks aren't particularly scary when compared to Lolth's dominate multiple people per turn.