[RPG] What are the implications of letting players retry an adventure/encounter that resulted in death


I'm running a 5e story.

Two players went into the crypt and got killed. My players manage their own sheets and the next day one player pointed out that he had not updated his saves after leveling up. He was 1 point short. He says he would have made the saves and wants to redo the battle.

What are the pros and cons of redoing it?

Best Answer

This is a case where you need to set ground rules which manage player expectations.

When you allow players to manage their own sheets, they are accepting responsibility for doing it correctly. Giving in to this demand sets the precedent that everybody else has to put up with fixing their mistakes. Mistakes happen in RPGs all the time — would they be happy re-running the scene if you had let them use some ability or power they shouldn't have been able to? Staying firm sets the expectation that they'll carefully manage their own responsibilities. You want to keep the game future-focused, not poring over past mistakes. If something is more than one turn in the past, it's probably best to move on.

Death is a part of the game. Risks need to have rewards AND consequences, or they are meaningless. Your players made the choice to risk it, they took responsibility for their sheets; it might be tough, but they signed up for it. If you give in to their request in this matter, it would seem that you're undermining their own agency.

That being said, I do recommend showing whatever reasonable consideration you can in response. It sucks to lose a character, especially due to a mistake. It doesn't hurt you to cut them some slack.