[RPG] What are the “Lawful” and “Chaotic” outsider equivalents of Aasimar or Tiefling


I intend to run a Pathfinder campaign that's more Law versus Chaos. Good versus evil has been done repeatedly.

I am looking for existing monster entries for two things:

  1. Humans with axiomite (or other Lawful Outsider) blood in their ancestry.
  2. Humans with protean or (other Chaotic Outsider) blood in their ancestry.

Ideally I will also find PCGen data files for these monsters.

Yes, I could invent something and make up the PCGen data files. I'm looking for existing precedent and work already done. If that's not present, I will start making something myself… eventually…. I'd like to make a slew of what I will call "Axiomatic" and "Anarchic" characters. If you look at the Tiefling, Aasimar and other examples below, the d20pfsrd pages have side bars on how to create characters with these templates. That's what I'm looking to see if has already been created.

As examples of something similar that already exists, the d20pfsrd and other places state: "Tieflings are humans with demonic, devilish or other evil outsider blood in their ancestry." and "Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry."

There are other examples of what I'm getting at. The d20pfsrd also states: "Undines are humans whose ancestry includes elemental beings of water, such as marids." It also states: "Sylphs are humans whose family trees include elemental beings of air, such as djinn."

I am not looking for variants of Aasimars nor variants of Tieflings. I don't want stats for a Lawful Good Aasimar. I'm looking for Lawful Neutral outsider stats. The Aaasimar, Tiefling, Sylph and Undine are provided as examples.

It's a Pathfinder campaign so ideally I would find not only the term but also the monster stat block that will go with the Pathfinder rules. The campaign is not set in the Pathfinder world Golarion so the answer does not have to be tied to the Golarion setting.

This question has been edited and updated per comments and suggestions from other RPG SE members. Thank you for the feedback.

Best Answer

Pathfinder lacks an exclusively chaotic or exclusively lawful planetouched, but Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition has both

While an aasimar or a tiefling can also be lawful or chaotic, it sounds like you want planetouched creatures that are primarily lawful or chaotic with the good and evil secondary. On that front, I've no reason to doubt DuckTapeAl's answer is correct: Pathfinder doesn't have the races you want yet. (However, I expect that—having realized this gap—it will shortly.) But if you're willing to go back to Pathfinder's antecedent and do a little conversion, such creatures were published for Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition.

Travis Stout's Dragon #297 (July 2002) article "Children of the Cosmos: 8 New Planetouched Races" (62-6), in addition to other similar creatures, includes statistics for the planetouched races the axani and the cansin, humanoid-in-appearance panetouched outsiders like the aasimars and tieflings except that they're creatures of "order and entropy" (according to the subhead), respectively. In addition to minor traits like skill bonuses similar to the aasiamr and tiefling, the axani can use a calm emotions effect 1/day and possess cold and sonic resistance 5, while the cansin can use an entropic shield effect 1/day and possess acid and fire resistance 5. The creatures, to the best of my knowledge, go unmentioned in any other publications.

While not designed for Pathfinder specifically, converting the creatures to Pathfinder—even from Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition—, given the creatures' similarities to the traditional planetouched, should be easy. However, because the creatures are unsupported by any further lore (receiving maybe 400 words each, and that's including racial traits), a GM hoping to have a well realized pair of races like the aasimar and tiefling for his campaign is out of luck unless he's willing to create such lore himself.