[RPG] What are the requirements to use a Smartgun System to its full extent


So I understand that if a gun has a Smartgun System installed then it can be connected to goggles/glasses with the Smartlink Vision Mod to grant +2 Accuracy and +1 Dice Pool bonus.

However the description of the Smartgun System also states that it can be used with a DNI an augmentation for which you paid essence to gain a +2 Dice Pool Bonus but it doesn't clarify (at least to my reading) whether this means the user has to have a Smartlink Vision Mod in their eyes (cyber or otherwise) or whether a Datajack alone will do the trick.

What exactly is needed to receive the +2 Dice Pool bonus?

Best Answer

To receive the +2 Dice Pool bonus, only Smartlink Vision Mod in their eyes and smartgun is necessary.

SR5 p. 433 :

A wireless smartlink provides a dice pool bonus to all attacks with the weapon: +1 if you’re using gear with a smartlink or +2 if you’re using an augmentation for which you paid Essence.

There is no reference to the DNI, only to the Essence

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