[RPG] What caster level do you need to craft a Ring of Protection +5


I had always assumed that there was a similar requirement to creating higher tiers of rings of protection (and magic items in general), just like you need to be at least three times the enhancement bonus in caster level for magic weapon- and armor enhancement.

However, a player pointed out that the rules do not say so, and frankly I haven't found anything contradicting in the DMG.

Is it actually the case that you could theoretically forge a ring of protection +5 at caster level 5th given that you have a high enough level to get the appropriate feat – or am I missing something?

Best Answer

Caster level 15.

Per d20srd.org:

Protection This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC.

Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Forge Ring, shield of faith, caster must be of a level at least three times greater than the bonus of the ring; Price 2,000 gp (ring +1); 8,000 gp (ring +2); 18,000 gp (ring +3); 32,000 gp (ring +4); 50,000 gp (ring +5).

(emphasis added)

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