[RPG] What constitutes cannibalism in Tomb of Annihilation


Playing through Tomb of Annihilation, the module features cannibals and I am trying to figure out what exactly constitutes cannibalism in this setting.

I don't think that we can answer the theoretical ethical question "What is cannibalism in a world with many forms of sentient life?" But, can we determine what the cannibals of Chult eat? How does this contrast with non-cannibal diet? For example, would eating one of the terror-folk be considered cannibalism?

Best Answer

The only thing remotely "official" I could find in regards to this is from the Forgotten Realms wiki:

While the Batiri were often considered cannibals, they only ate the flesh of other races and never the members of the Batiri tribe. To eat another Batiri resulted in a punishment of death.

The Batiri seem to be the cannibals in question, as they are native to Chult, and they are goblins. They would eat other races (probably other goblins as well, but not other Batiri) which made them regarded as cannibals.

I think this means that the races viewed sapient creatures eating one another as cannibals, but perhaps higher learned people recognized the technicalities that cannibalism is same-species.

This has real-life parallels as well. People often referred to Giants, Ogres, Cyclops etc. As cannibals, despite not being human (they were human-like). Also we may refer to snake eating snakes as cannibalistic colloquially, but they are not regarded as such scientifically.