[RPG] What do a minotaur’s rations consist of, and can a dragonborn eat them


I'm playing a game of 5e, and our dragonborn lost all of his rations from a magical key. He was given rations by our minotaur. What do those rations consist of? Would the dragonborn face any issues with eating these rations? I'm asking because this dragonborn is primarily a carnivore, and it seems to me that minotaurs might be herbivores, being bovine in appearance…

What do minotaurs eat, and would their rations be consumable by another race, specifically dragonborn?

Best Answer

As far as I'm aware, there are no official rules regarding the diet of either of these two creatures. As such, it would depend on the DM, as usual. However:

If you insist on using real world logic, keep in mind that while the head of the minotaur is indeed bovine (Thus its teeth are best suited for chewing plants, mostly grass) most of its lower body is still humanoid. This would include most of its digestive tract, meaning that its stomach can easily digest different types of meat. In fact, the original minotaur in Greek mythology was exclusively a carnivore, as it feasted upon the human sacrifices that were sent into its maze. Thus, an omnivoric minotaur is not out of the question- If you insist on realism, it would only have a bit of trouble ripping the meat with its teeth. But that's what cutlery is for these days.