[RPG] What does being “Inured to Undeath” involve


Inured to Undeath

Beginning at 10th level, you have resistance to necrotic
damage, and your hit point maximum can't be reduced.
You have spent so much time dealing with undead and
the forces that animate them that you have become
inured to some of their worst effects

So what I am confused about is the part where it states that you become "inured to some of their worst effects"

What does that mean. Does it just mean the statuses you gained mentioned in the previous section of the Inured to Undeath. If not what happens. Do I become ugly like a zombie?

Best Answer

The second sentence is simply the description/justification for the first sentence. The only effects are the ones described: resistance to necrotic damage and immunity to maximum hit point reduction.

In case it's the source of your confusion: "inured" just means "accustomed to". So this is just saying that you've been hanging around with undead for so long that you've gotten used to their necrotic damage and maximum hit point reduction and are therefore immune to it.

Obviously, if you want your character's appearance to gain some undead-like features, you can talk to your DM and try to persuade them. As long as you keep it purely visual, they probably won't mind.