[RPG] What does ‘horizontal to you’ mean


The spell Compulsion says:

Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to designate a direction that is horizontal to you. Each affected target must use as much of its movement as possible to move in that direction on its next turn.

Does this just mean that I can't tell a creature to climb a ladder? If I am spider-climbing on a wall, can I command the target to climb the wall? If there is a slope like a hill and I am standing at the bottom on flat earth, can I only indicate a direction that is horizontal to the horizon?

Best Answer

Horizontal means parallel to the horizon or the “ideal” flat ground (even if no flat ground is nearby). Even if you're spider-climbing on a wall, horizontal stays horizontal — it's not sensitive to your personal orientation.

But this doesn't rule out ladders or hill slopes. You just can't indicate a direction that has any “up” or “down” to it and require them to move up. If you indicate a horizontal direction that happens to be in the direction of a hill slope, they still have to “use as much of its movement as possible to move in that direction on its next turn”. If the ladder or hill means they move in that direction and need to climb it to use as much of their movement in that horizontal direction, yes, they can climb if that's convenient for them to move more in the horizontal direction.

You just can't indicate “move directly up” or “move diagonally down” or something with this spell. No forcing people to jump or burrow into the earth.