[RPG] What happens if a shugenja takes the Multiple Schools advantage to join another shugenja school


This is a strictly mechanical question. Obviously, when switching schools shugenja would gain access to the new technique, however are there any additional advantages or penalties to do so? Do they gain a new affinity/deficiency? Do they gain the 6 starting spells scrolls for the school? Do shugenja School Ranks stack for purposes of learning and casting spells? Otherwise do they have to choose which School Rank to cast spells with based on where they learned it or do they just use the highest?

Does it say anywhere in the RAW about what happens to shugenja if they move to another shugenja school?

Best Answer

I found nothing in the books. However, in a post in the errata & rules thread here in the Alderac forums, one player asked about this issue and he was provided an answer. If this can be considered RAW, then, according to that post, when a shugenja takes multiple schools and gains a new rank, this is what happens:

  • Her Shugenja School rank increases by 1 (not resets). A Shugenja does not have a separate school rank for each school she has attended.
  • She gains the technique of her new school.
  • She gain the affinity and deficiency of the new school (affinities and deficiencies stack).
  • She gain 3 new spells.
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