[RPG] What happens to a devil that dies in an area warded against planar travel


If it dies outside the Nine Hells, a devil disappears in a cloud of sulfurous smoke or dissolves into a pool of ichor, instantly returning to its home layer, where it reforms at full strength. (MM p. 67)

There exist spells which ward an area against planar travel, such as Mordekainen's Private Sanctum, or Antimagic Field.

What would happen to a devil which died outside the Nine Hells in an area warded against planar travel? Would that ward stop them from returning to the Nine Hells? If so what would happen instead?

Best Answer

DM Purview

There are no official 5th edition rules about these kinds of specific situations. A DM is free to decide.

On the one hand, you could argue that an area warded against planar travel is only warded against physical (and possibly astral) travelling. And when a devil (or, indeed, anyone else) dies in such an area there is no magic in the world that could possibly stop the soul or essence from departing to the afterlife.

On the other hand, a DM may decide that in his campaign this is precisely a way - possibly the only way - that a devil can be disposed of permanently. (If it stops the souls of other creatures from entering the afterlife as well it could even raise some awkward questions - maybe this is how powerful ghosts and wraiths are made!). NB: This is slightly against the monster manual text regarding such things, but 'fluff text' is always free to be adjusted/home-brewed by a DM.