[RPG] What happens when a Command spell (and others) is returned by a Ring of Spell Turning


A cleric casts a Command spell targeting you, specifying the Flee option. You have a Ring of Spell Turning and you get a 20 for the save, so the spell is returned. We are going to assume that the cleric fails his save.

  • The spell is returned but, can you specify other option for the spell (halt, approach, etc.) ?

  • From where the cleric will flee? From his original position, from you, from the ring, from himself?

  • In case the spell was cast using a higher level (affecting a second creature), could be the spell be returned?

  • Extra: In case the returned spell had concentration or a dismiss option. Could the original caster finish the spell ending the concentration or using the appropriate action to end the effect? When could he finish the concentration?

Best Answer

The Ring of Spell Turning states:

In addition, if you roll a 20 for the save and the spell is 7th level or lower, the spell has no effect on you and instead targets the caster, using the slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the caster.

So this means, the spell does not originate from you even when you have returned it, but instead you merely redirect the target. This means that it is as if the cleric used command on themselves using the word "Flee."

This is the effect of the "Flee" command word:

Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means.

Therefore, the cleric is commanding themselves to flee from themselves. This is a contradiction -- you cannot possibly move away from yourself. However, the command spell also stipulates:

If the target can't follow your command, the spell ends.

So in this case, the spell would end immediately, since the cleric cannot follow their own command.

This also means that if the spell had a concentration requirement, such as polymorph or banishment, they can willingly end concentration because it is still their spell, they just shot themselves with it instead of you.

Finally, the Ring of Spell Turning cannot return a spell that does not target only you. If command was cast at a higher level such that it targets you and someone else, then you cannot return it. You would also not have advantage on the saving throw.