[RPG] What happens when an outsider changes alignment


In the SRD's bestiary, most outsiders have an alignment listed. In D&D 5e celestials and devils are locked into their alignment – if they change they become something else. That made me curious about what happens to an outsider who changes alignment in Pathfinder.

The result doesn't necessarily have to be changing what kind of creature it is, it can be anything except for obvious stuff like personality changes.

Best Answer


Arueshalae is a good example of this. She is a succubus that Desna helped redeem. Despite becoming chaotic good, she remains a succubus.

Tabris is another good example. He was charged with the task of studying the multiverse and in doing so created The Book of the Damned. This study of the multiverse caused him to change from Lawful Good to True Neutral for his alignment and be exiled from Heaven, but he is still an angel.

Note: Both of these alignment shifts were accompanied by shifts in the personality of the beings causing them to act differently from how a normal member of their race would.