[RPG] What other giants are there in 3.5e?


I'm looking into building a campaign involving the giants going at war. But I'm looking for diverse bunch of giants, so the party does not keep fighting the same type over and over again. Going through several books I've been able to find the following giants thus far:

  • Cloud, Fire, Frost, Hill, Stone and Storm Giants (MM 1, p.119)
    • Three additional types of Frost Giant in Frostburn (p. 133)
  • Forest, Mountain, Ocean and Sun Giants (MM2, p. 109)
  • Death, Eldritch and Sand Giants (MM3, p. 54)
  • Craa'ghoran Giants (MM4, p. 60)
  • Bog and Shadow Giants (Fiend Folio, p. 81)
  • Fog and Phaerlin Giants (Monsters of Faerûn, p. 50)

Note that I'm looking for "true" giants mentioned in the rulls as a Giant, whatever, and not for creatures such as fomorians who are giant-blooded, but not full-on giant. Did I miss anything else, or are these eighteen types all there are in 3.5e?

Best Answer

My old link didn't work, but wotc's 3.5 lists are still up. If you click on Monster, type giant in the search, the sort by type, you'll get something like this. Unfortunately, you'll have to filter down "true" giants from there.

Here's a list with the creatures you are looking for:

  • Abyssal Giant – EDP
  • Bog Giant – FF
  • Cloud Giant – MM
  • Craa'ghoran Giant – MM4
  • Death Giant – MM3
  • Dusk Giant, Least – HH
    • Dusk Giant, Lesser – HH
    • Dusk Giant, Greater – HH
  • Eldritch Giant – MM3
    • Eldritch Confessor Giant – MM3
  • Fire Giant – MM
    • Draconic Fire Giant – Dr
  • Fog Giant – Mon
  • Forest Giant – MM2
  • Frost Giant – MM
    • Frost Giant Jarl – MM
    • Frost Mauler Giant – Fr
    • Frost Spiritspeaker Giant – Fr
    • Frost Tundra Scout Giant – Fr
  • Hill Giant – MM
  • Jungle Giant – SX
  • Mountain Giant – MM2
  • Ocean Giant – MM2
  • Phaerlin Giant – Mon
  • Sand Giant – MM3
    • Sand Champion Giant – MM3
  • Shadow Giant – FF
  • Stone Giant – MM
    • Stone Elder Giant – MM
  • Storm Giant – MM
  • Sun Giant – MM2
  • Totem Giant – MoI

22 in total, with 10 additional variations.

Here's a list of all other creatures with the Giant type:

  • Bladerager Troll – MM5
  • Cave Troll – MM3
  • Common Oni – OA
  • Crystalline Troll – MM3
  • Ettin – MM
  • Fell Troll – Una
  • Fensir – FF
  • Firbolg – MM2
  • Fomorian – MM2
  • Forest Troll – MM3
  • Geriviar – MM3
  • Giant – MM2
  • Giant Cyclops – ShS
  • Go-Zu Oni – OA
  • Greater Cyclops – DD
  • Half-Giant – XPH
  • Half-Ogre (Player Race) – RD
  • Half-Troll Barbazu – FF
  • Half-Troll Template – FF
  • Ice Troll – Una
  • Ken-Kuni – MM5
  • Ken-Li – MM5
  • Ken-Sun – MM5
  • Lesser Cyclops – DD
  • Maur (Hunched Giant) – Und
  • Me-Zu Oni – OA
  • Mountain Troll – MM3
  • Ogre – MM
  • Ogre Barbarian – MM
  • Ogre Guard Thrall – MM4
  • Ogre Mage – MM
  • Ogre Scout – MM4
  • Ogre Tempest – MM4
  • Ogre, Skullcrusher – MM3
  • Ogre, Skullcrusher Sergeant – MM3
  • Primordial Giant (Template) – SX
  • Rakka – FF
  • Taer – Una
  • Troll – MM
  • Troll Hunter – MM
  • Wang-Liang – OA
  • Wasteland Troll – Sa
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