[RPG] What point value would “Cannot enter a dwelling uninvited” have as a Flaw


The "Cursed" flaw allows for a wide variety of traditional weaknesses to be simulated in Vampire. Under the guidelines for this flaw (VRev, 301), how many points would you give for the inability to enter a building without the invitation or express permission of the owner? Upvotes for "showing your work" — that is, explaining why you believe your version to be correctly priced.

Best Answer

A version of this flaw already exists in one of the sourcebooks. In clanbook Tzimisce on pg. 43 there is a 3-Point flaw named "Privacy Obsession" with two effects:

  • Must make a Willpower Roll (Difficult 6) to enter into a dwelling uninvited.
  • When disturbed by an uninvited guest in your own home, you must pass a Self-Control check (Difficulty 7) or frenzy.

If you're not interested in having that second effect, but wanted to make it impossible to enter a home uninvited, rather than simply requiring a Willpower check, it would probably be balanced to have that as a 3-Point flaw as well. You're losing one specific hindrance and making one a bit more strict.