[RPG] What published D&D adventures take place in the Astral Sea/Plane


My players may soon find themselves in the Astral Sea. I don't know much about the area, but if that's where the adventure goes, so be it. Only problem is I find the 4e Manual of the Planes to be woefully uninformative. Are there any published adventures or modules that take place in the Astral Sea? Even if they aren't appropriate for my game, reading one would probably give me a better ideas of what I can do to the players out there.

I'm running 4e and would prefer 4e material if it's available. But I'm open to reading adventures set in the Astral Plane from earlier editions as well if that's the best that's out there.

Best Answer

The Plane Above is the 4E sourcebook for the Astral Sea, and includes a paragon-tier "mini adventure" set in the Astral Sea, as well as other adventure hooks. The book is about 150 pages, and the adventure is only a half dozen of those, give or take. The Manual of the Planes also spends about 30 pp on the Astral Sea, but there are no adventures. I believe there may be some hooks.

There are sourcebooks from previous editions that cover the astral plane, most notably 2E's Planescape's A Guide to the Astral Plane (which does not contain any premade adventures). The cosmology of 4E differs drastically from that of previous editions, however, and the Astral Sea of 4E is quite different from the Astral Plane of the 1-3E "Great Wheel" cosmology.

To the best of my knowledge and research, there are no adventure modules published by Wizards or TSR that were set in the astral anything.