[RPG] What senses are available to a corpse subjected to a Speak with Dead spell


When someone uses Speak with Dead on a corpse, the spell says that you can ask the corpse up to five questions. Asking implies that the corpse can hear you.

What I want to know is whether or not the corpse's other senses are intact?

  1. Could I show the corpse a picture and ask them to describe it?

  2. Could I put a flower to a corpses nose and ask them to tell me what
    they smell?

  3. Could I write down the five questions and get the corpse to read

The reason I am asking is because, during a session I was DMing, I ruled that the corpse could not read the scroll that the party was showing them. But after the session, the ruling I made felt unfinished. I need to make sure I took everything into account and didn't flub the ruling.

Best Answer

The rules don't specify operating senses

This is a decent case for relying on "spells do what they say they do" and keeping the interaction simple. Here is what the spell will do.

You grant the semblance of life and Intelligence to a corpse of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose. The corpse must still have a mouth and can’t be Undead. The spell fails if the corpse was the target of this spell within the last 10 days. (Basic Rules, p. 105)

The corpse is not alive, it has "the semblance of life" and Intelligence. Intelligence is described as being the key attribute for memory.

The corpse knows only what it knew in life, including the languages it knew.

Memory being required to recall what it knew in life fits Intelligence being magically activated.

Intelligence Measures: Mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill (Basic Rules, p. 10)
Intelligence, measuring reasoning and memory(Basic Rules, p. 60)
{bolding mine}

The magic allows the otherwise dead corpse to answer your questions. Beyond that, the spell description doesn't activate, nor reanimate, anything else.

Your ruling was correct

You are the DM (per your comment). You ruled that the corpse could not read the scroll; your ruling captured the spell's powers correctly. If you want go beyond that at your table, it's your call.
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