[RPG] What to do when you end up duplicating another players character


Frequently I seem to roll up characters who are the spitting image of someone else's character. Most recently I rolled up a Utility Force Wizard for Star wars: Saga edition, which matched someone else down to our 7 in strength. I'm sure this is to do with not genning my character with the party, but that – for most games I play in – seems inevitable.

What do I do when I end up duplicating someone else's character, and vice versa? It seems to thin down our fun because we could each replace the other and don't bring anything new to the party.

Best Answer

I've never had the same character as another player but I have had characters fill the same niche. The best advice I can give in that case is to play off of that niche. When it's just one character who has a certain skill set, it's really easy for anything that uses that skill set to automatically be your job with no further discussion. But if you have someone to collaborate with you can actually start roleplaying out that niche and sucking the rest of the party into it.

In a GURPS game a few years back another player and I were woodsmen. We had different abilities in combat, but both stocked up on movement and survival skills. The end result was that we were really invested in movement skills and made the party use them. We were also highly competitive about it. Every time we were confronted with a a cliff face we'd have a climb race.

Basically by playing off each other we were able to make more of the game about our niche. It was okay to share the spotlight since together we had more command over that spotlight.