[RPG] What ways exist to prevent Counterspell from being cast


What ways can a character (PC or Monster) prevent an enemy from casting counterspell?

What I can think of so far:

  • Surprise the enemy and win initiative
  • Cause the enemy to be incapacitated (or stunned/paralyzed/unconscious)
  • Provoke the enemy into using a reaction earlier in the round (readied action, opportunity attack, previous spell)
  • Avoid using perceivable spell components
    • Sorcerer subtle spell metamagic
    • Level 20 Druid Archdruid feature
  • Prevent somatic components
    • The enemy is holding objects in both hands
  • Block line of sight while casting the spell (As Medix2 linked the spell can be readied behind cover)
    • Spells, Items, or Abilities such as Fog Cloud, Darkness, etc. that create areas of Heavy Obscurement
    • Use a spell or item that grants invisibility or heavy obscurement to a creature (Shadow of Moil, Invisibility)
    • Physical barriers such as walls or large creatures

Are there any other options available that I am missing? I would be interested both in a generic option that is missing and in any specific strategies that are not equivalent to something on my list.

I am asking because there are so many ways to prevent Counterspell that my initial list was unlikely to be comprehensive. Among the answers so far "using a spell that prevents reactions", "breaking line of sight", and "cast outside the range of 60 ft" are all options I hadn't considered and have helped to answer my question.

Best Answer

As usual in questions that lead to considerably large lists (e.g. What are the official, WotC-published classes and subclasses in 5e?), I will post this as a community wiki answer and we can, as a community, update it with all possibilities.

Spells / Abilities

Make the enemy unable to use reactions

Force the enemy to use its reaction

Allow the enemy to use its reaction

Make the enemy unable to cast spells

Stopping their counterspell

Prevent enemy from seeing you

Prevent enemy from targeting or affecting you

Other means

Make the enemy unable to use reactions

Cast when the enemy is temporarily unable to use reactions

Prevent conditions of counterspell from being met

  • Cast the spell outside the range (more than 60 ft.)

1 to equip them with armor they are not proficient in, if you accept "Would forcing armour on a wizard using an illusion spell and Illusory Reality 'harm' them?"

2 It depends whether you believe the invisibility spell ends when a creature finishes casting a spell or starts casting a spell. This is explored more in the question "Can you Counterspell a caster who is under Invisibility?"