[RPG] What’s a good defense against silence


Well, a dungeon master keeps throwing characters who can silence spells at me. It's a pain in the butt when trying to fight as a group, as most of my friends and I are casters. We're dealing with radius silence. Basically, the silence hits the first player. If the second player is close to that player, he is silenced. If the third player is close to the second player, he is silenced. If the fourth player is closed to the third player, he is silenced. As the enemy levels up, his silence becomes more powerful. He has a lot of casting power, and he uses fear spells, as well. So, we keep getting chains of silence and fear cast on us, which is a huge issue. Up next, we're looking at dealing with wolves or something, and we aren't strong enough to take this guy alone. Should we spread out and go in one at a time? Should we try to bait him to a tank and get him to burn some magic, then try to get the jump on him? We actually have limited time. In a couple of weeks, he's going to have the sun sphere, which is going to give him so much power. We don't want to lose the campaign because of this obstacle. Any ideas?

Best Answer

For d20, there is a 1st level bard spell in the Spell Compendium called Joyful Noise which counteracts a silence spell in a 10' radius around a bard as long as he concentrates. It has no verbal component, only somatic. It doesn't dispel the silence, only protects you from it. In a recent campaign I ran, the party bard kept using this against my silence spell attacks so the wizard and cleric could keep casting spells.

Of course the downside is the other spellcasters must remain within 10' making them a great target for area effect damage spells such as fireball. And the bard must spend his effort concentrating to maintain the spell and thus cannot perform other efforts. But the effect does move with the bard.