[RPG] What’s the earliest a champion can have a focus pool of 3


In Pathfinder 2e, some classes have access to a focus pool. Each pool has a certain number of focus points, which can be used to cast spells.

I'm playing a champion and intending on making extensive use of focus spells. My focus pool has a maximum value of 3. What is the lowest level that I can have a focus pool of 3?

Best Answer

This is now possible at Level 4

The Advanced Player's Guide made this possible at level 4 through several methods - this one works best for champions with the Tenets of Evil:

  • Level 1: Devotion Spells grants you a Focus Point regardless of your Cause - we'll take any evil one to get Touch of Corruption.
  • Level 2: Take the Blessed One archetype - this gives us Lay on Hands and another Focus Point.
  • Level 4: Take either Blessed Sacrifice from the Blessed One archetype, or Sun Blade or Light of Revelation as Champion class feats.
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