[RPG] What’s the mechanical point of melee weapons’ range


I do understand that it might be important for ranged weapons, as you couldn't throw a dagger as far as shoot an arrow from a bow. However it doesn't seem so important with the melee weapons.

I am wondering is there any actual use of the weapons' range? Are there any published expansions suggesting rules like that?

Best Answer

As with everything in Dungeon World, tags exist both as mechanics and as fictional elements. The Range tags exist primarily for this purpose. After all (Dungeon World, pg. 326):

Dungeon World doesn’t inflict penalties or grant bonuses for “optimal range” or the like, but if your weapon says Hand and an enemy is ten yards away, a player would have a hard time justifying using that weapon against him.

So how do the mechanics affect the game? Well imagine the following scenario.

GM: You spot the goblin overhead, just as it begins its dive toward the half-giant you're escorting.

You: My dwarf takes up a defensive stance and intercepts it.

If you have a Reach weapon, such as a halberd, there's probably no problem here. You make your Defend move as normal. But say you're wielding a pair of daggers with a range of Hand. How exactly are you supposed to intercept the goblin over your ally's head? I mean, you could try to climb him but you better do so quickly! (Defy Danger with Dex) This, of course, has a mechanical as well as fictive consequence since you are making more moves, potentially giving the GM more opportunity to act.