[RPG] When and how many times can a cleric attempt to turn undead


In Moldvay/Marsh/Cook's B/X D&D:

  1. How many times can a cleric attempt to turn undead per encounter?

  2. When can the cleric do it? Instead of a melee/spell/missile attack or before the encounter begins? If before the encounter, before or after initiative is rolled?

Best Answer

A cleric can turn undead instead of attacking normally. The cleric can then roll on the table if he can turn any undead. If the roll succeeds, 2d6 hit dice of undead will flee. Turning undead can be done as many times per encounter and per day as you like, there is no limit.

Initiative in D&D was handled by rolling a d6 for the group as a whole, so there is no special initiative rule for turning undead. You act when you act, no matter what you do.

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